
Waiver, Release and Indemnity Agreement

I certify that I am in good health and physical condition in order to participate in all tennis and pickleball activities, and that it is my sole responsibility to make this determination, and I have determined that I am sufficiently fit and healthy to participate in these activities.  I also understand that there are inherent risks associated with these activities including but not limited to the risk of serious bodily injury and death caused by my own actions or inactions or the actions or inactions of others participating in these activities, or the risk of heat exhaustion and other environmental and climate conditions.  I voluntarily and knowingly accept and assume all risks associated with my participation in these activities and release and waive any and all claims, of any nature or kind whatsoever, arising out of my participation in these activities, against First Serve Tennis LLC, including all their respective officers, employees, contractors, agents and representatives.  I further agree to save and hold harmless and indemnify First Serve Tennis LLC from all liability, loss, costs, claims or damages of any nature or kind whatsoever that may be asserted against them arising out of my participation in these activities, including all attorneys’ fees that they may incur in the event of any claims that may be asserted against them.

Payment, Cancelation, and Credit Policy

All payments are final. Refunds will only be offered in the case of an injury or illness that prevents play. Credits will only be offered for cancellations made at least 48 hours in advance and they must be approved by the Montclair Pickleball team. Credits will be applied to a player’s account, and can be used for any future Montclair Pickleball program, including clinics, open play, guided drilling, guided open play, and play with pro.

Players who have purchased a package are allowed one credit per package, as long as the cancellation is made 48 hours in advance. If a player has more than one cancellation for a package, the individual day rate will be charged.

We may keep your credit card on file for ease of processing future purchases. We will only charge your card if explicitly authorized, and can remove it from file at any time upon request.


In the event of a rain or heat cancellation, we will contact you immediately via email and text once the decision is made. If you haven’t heard from us, then the clinic is on. In the event of a full cancellation, players will be offered a credit. In the event that we have to stop a clinic midway due to the weather, credit will be given if we were not able to complete half the clinic. If we were able to complete more than half the clinic, credit will not be offered.


We are able to provide pickleball paddles for players in our clinics that need them, and sell them at a discount as well.

Food and Water

There is no food or chewing gum permitted on the courts. Players are encouraged to bring their own water in a distinguishable container.

Email/Text Updates

By signing up for a Montclair Pickleball clinic, lesson, open play, or other program you agree to receive email and/or text updates from us. These updates will include weather cancellations, promotions, and other updates. You are also agreeing that your email address and phone number is shared with other entities owned by First Serve Tennis LLC, including, but not limited to, First Serve Tennis and New Jersey Pickleball for the purpose of similar promotions. Your information will never be shared with any person or entity that is not affiliated with First Serve Tennis LLC.

Photo Release

By registering for one of our programs you are accepting that your photo, video, image, or likeness may be used on the First Serve Tennis/Montclair Pickleball websites and in promotional materials including but not limited to social media posts and advertisements both physical and digital.

Program Levels

Coaches may move players between different level groups or combine groups where fit to maximize program quality. If a player is signed up for the incorrect level as deemed by a coach, the player will be placed in a different, level appropriate program depending on availability.

Montclair Pickleball Membership Terms and Conditions

Montclair Pickleball Silver, Gold, and Triple Crown Memberships

Membership Non-Refundability, Non-Transferability, and Cancellation

  1. All memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. Memberships cannot be pro-rated.

  2. Only the individual whose membership is paid in full is authorized to attend programs and events reserved using that membership.

  3. Memberships may be canceled at any time via the Montclair Pickleball Player Portal. Upon cancellation, members will be allowed to use their benefits until the end of their paid cycle, but they will not be billed again unless the membership is renewed.

Membership Benefits

  1. Membership benefits are available exclusively for the months that have been paid for.

  2. Members may choose to prepay for any number of months.

  3. Benefits will not be retroactively applied to programs or events booked prior to the purchase date of the membership.

Reservation Attendance Requirement and Cancellation Policy
Members are required to attend all reservations that are booked for free. Failure to attend or cancellations made within 24 hours of a scheduled reservation may result in cancellation of the membership at the Montclair Pickleball’s discretion. It is the responsibility of the member to honor their reservations. Any no-shows or last-minute cancellations (within 24 hours) for free reservations may lead to termination of membership privileges. Substitute players are not allowed for free reservations

Montclair Pickelball Atlantic County Unlimited Court Rental Membership

Membership Details

  1. Membership Validity: This membership grants unlimited access to the pickleball courts from September 9, 2024, to November 17, 2024.

  2. Facility Hours: The courts are available from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday through Sunday.

Usage Guidelines

  1. Court Access: Members are entitled to use one court at a time. The member must be present while using the court.

  2. First Come, First Serve: Courts are available on a first come, first serve basis.

  3. Time Limit: If other groups are waiting to use the courts, play must be limited to a maximum of two hours to ensure fair access for all members.

  4. Scheduled Programming: Montclair Pickleball programming, such as clinics, lessons, or events, takes priority over open court usage. Members are not permitted to use a court reserved for a program.

Additional Terms

  1. Conduct and Etiquette: Members are expected to maintain good sportsmanship and courteous behavior at all times. The facility reserves the right to revoke membership privileges for inappropriate conduct.

  2. Equipment and Attire: Members are responsible for bringing their own equipment, including paddles and balls.

  3. Liability: The facility is not responsible for any personal injury, loss, or damage to personal property. Members participate at their own risk. By registering for a membership, you are agreeing to our Waiver, Release and Indemnity Agreement listed above.

Changes and Cancellations

  1. Modifications: Montclair Pickleball Atlantic County reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.

  2. Cancellation: Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.

By purchasing and using this membership, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.