How I Learned to Drill

by Natalie Ruiz

Before starting clinics with Montclair Pickleball, I had no clue what it meant to drill when it came to pickleball - but now I find myself wanting to drill more than I want to go to open play! The Montclair Pickleball clinics, specifically the coaches Matt & Aaron, were able to teach me a drill that I still use in almost every warm up, or drilling session for fundamentals: drop shot accordions. In this drill both players start at the kitchen - one player stays at the kitchen (to feed the ball to the player doing the accordion pattern) while the other aims to hit each ball into the kitchen then take a step back, then drop the next ball into the kitchen, and another step back, drop the next ball into the kitchen… and continue all the way to the baseline where you hit some drop shots before working your way back up to the kitchen line in the same manner. Then you switch with your partner so they get a chance at drops too while you feed the ball!

Learning and then becoming consistent with fundamentals, like the drop shot, is key to moving up in skill level as a player and it makes a big difference in your game play when you’re drilling regularly. As you advance you can also level this drill up by practicing cross court drops, or drop shots with spin on them. An added bonus is that this drill is great practice for the person feeding at the kitchen line as well. If you’re looking to learn more drills, work with coaches to make sure you’re drilling with the right form. The Montclair Pickleball clinics and drill sessions are a great place to start!


Fall Adult Activities in Essex County


Introducing: Adaptive Pickleball